Identify your individual risk factors.Some of these risk factors you wont be able to do much about, such as your age and the fact that a close relative had a stroke at a young age. Other risk factors are very much within your grasp to change, such as those concerning your diet, physical activity, cigarettes and alcohol.
Schedule an appointment with your physician to see if there are any of your risk factors that should be treated medically. Also, there might be tests that should be done to look for risk factors that are difficult for you to find out on your own since they tend to give no warning symptoms.
Reduce the risk factors that you can reduce.
Learn how to recognize the symptoms of a stroke and the symptoms of TIA:s. Have a plan for how you can contact emergency services (911, 112 or similar) if you suspect that you are having a stroke. Also help spread this information to family, friends, colleges and others.